The Importance of Quality Time for Family

Is quality time really an obligation? How important is quality time for you and people who are closest to you? The answer to all these questions is …..yes! Quality time is very important for you and the people who are  closest to you.

People usually spend their quality time by visiting some places on their weekend or even just spending their weekend by eating on the restaurant. …….But, when at the same time the question arises, should the quality time go to eat at an expensive restaurant? Weekends and holidays in popular tourist spots? Rent a bungalow or even a home stay at a famous resort? Traveling to a romantic place?........... the  answer is no.

It turns out that many people try to make the best use of their time in various different ways and habits. But sometimes they can't reach their real goal. In fact, they sometimes tend to spend a lot of money on it, but the results are not optimal.

Quality time is a time where we can fill part of our day in one week into a time that is full of meaning and can be happy for all members of the people closest to us.

Many people always assume that quality time is a weekend together to a romantic place or stay at a resort. It's okay that quality time is done that way and this assumption is certainly not wrong because quality will also have its own meaning if supported by a large budget.

But one must remember that a large budget also does not necessarily guarantee quality time will work for those closest to us. Quality time can be done every day by choosing the right timing, because it turns out that in between 24 hours in a day and night there is a very meaningful time for those closest to us.

Well, instead of Quality Time you are less meaningful and the results are minimal and large funds are wasted, here are some very meaningful times for those closest to us that you can use as quality time:

1.Morning breakfast.

Always try to have breakfast together at home. With a faster duration of time so that breakfast time is longer and not in a hurry. In between breakfast that we tell each other and motivate each other.

The topic of conversation does not need to be heavy or difficult. Just ask how was yesterday's experience? What are today's priorities? Can you come home early today? Or other questions that are motivational and spirit for those closest to us. Simple but a little time will be something that is missed and full of meaning for us and those closest to us.

2.Lunch break.

Suppose your workplace is close to home. Try also to have lunch at home or go together for lunch outside with the people closest to you. This moment is very important to do because the density and busyness of the work sometimes drains considerable thought and energy. By gathering together with the closest people after lunch, so besides being able to lighten your workload, you can also maintain the most valuable moments with the people closest to you.

3.Returning to work.

When you get home from work, it will be quality time if you can use this moment well. Picking up the people closest to us will be a special moment and will be a lifetime memory. People who are closest to you will always feel like a "VIP" and will definitely be very happy. Feeling happy and happy this is actually the goal of your quality time every day.

4.Before sleeping.

Moment before going to sleep will be a new spirit for the next day. So don't waste this moment before going to sleep greeting and saying hi. Just sharing stories about what happened that day and telling stories about the next day will be valuable moments for the people closest to you. Complimenting each other will also be very special when it is done before going to sleep because sometimes it can be carried into the dreams of the people closest to you.

Quality time can be enjoyed every day with a variety of special moments on that day. Quality time does not have to go to a special place with a fantastic budget. Your days will also actually be quality time for you if you are keen to see that opportunity.

Keep your special moment every day for those who have done it. Believe that happiness must be picked up and created, not to wait.

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